Why a Facelift and Brow Lift Combination Procedure Might be Right for You?
With plastic surgery reaching new heights of popularity over the past decade, it’s no surprise that more men and women than ever before are considering a full facelift procedure. According to Dr. Richard Swift, the top surgeon for a facelift Brighton Beach has in practice, while the facelift has always been a popular procedure, it has changed quite a bit, and with improvements to technique, and advanced surgical technology coming into play – it never been a better time to have one done. But one important thing to understand is that a full facelift isn’t right for every patient. As we have mentioned in previous articles, there is no perfect age for someone to have a facelift done, however, it’s designed specifically for patients with high moderate to severe age-related issues. Such patients are generally in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. For many patients who might be younger, or have less than severe age-related symptoms there are other options like the brow lift or even the mini facelift. With a procedure like a brow lift Brooklyn patients can achieve several benefits, to the upper areas of the face, such as the upper cheeks, and brow region. While they are done alone, did you know that the facelift and brow lift are also often done in conjunction? Patients who suffer from certain types of facial aging symptoms have been able to achieve amazing results using them together. In this article, we will be educating patients on this combination procedure and how it helps patients to achieve some of the most amazing results faster and more effectively than other options.
The Brow Lift Procedure
While it’s nowhere near the facelift in terms of popularity, the brow lift has become a common option for patients suffering from unwanted wrinkles and volume issues along with the upper third of the face – generally above the eyebrows. According to Dr. Swift, the top surgeon for a facelift Brooklyn has to offer, the brow lift allows patients to achieve a more alert, yet softened, happy look while reducing the appearance of unwanted wrinkles along the forehead and brow region. Often women and men might be accused of having an unhappy look on their face, this procedure will help to alleviate such issues and reduce the appearance of an overly heavy, drooping brow area. There are two different types of brow lift procedures, as described below.
Traditional Brow Lift
The traditional brow lift is the most common of the two. According to Dr. Swift, the top surgeon for a facelift Brighton Beach has in practice, incisions are first placed either behind the ears or more commonly along the scalp – both areas allow for less post-procedure scarring. The procedure itself is very similar to the facelift, as the underlying tissue is tightened, the upper skin is repositioned over the tissue, and any excess skin and other tissues are removed. It’s essentially a mini facelift for the upper brow region.
Endoscopic Brow Lift
An endoscopic procedure will use the assistance of a camera. Using a series of small incisions placed along the hairline, a camera will be inserted to allow for a view inside without the need for larger incisions. The sagging skin and other tissues are lifted through the small incisions that were created. According to Dr. Swift, the top surgeon for a brow lift Brooklyn has in practice, using this procedure allows for a faster recovery and less visible scarring. This procedure is best for those who require minimal surgical intervention.
Combining Your Brow and Facelift Procedures
For many patients, the combination of these two procedures has shown amazing results. With a facelift Brooklyn patients will generally have the majority of the face tightened and lifted. However, it doesn’t focus much on the upper brow or forehead area. This is why for some patients who suffer from moderate to severe, age-related symptoms along the entire face – including the forehead area – combining the two is the best course of action. According to Dr. Swift, the best plastic surgeon Brooklyn has in practice, the benefits of combining the procedures are immense. Patients will only need to go through the rigors of one surgery, and one recovery period. It’s important to understand that the recovery process will be fairly similar, and there won’t be a lot of added pain or discomfort simply because of the two procedures in one recovery.
If you are debating whether or not you want to combine your facelift with the brow lift, it’s best to consult a surgeon like Dr. Swift, considered the best plastic surgeon Brooklyn has to offer. Your surgeon will perform a thorough facial analysis and determine whether you even need to combine surgical procedures as some patients with lesser symptoms may just get away with using fillers or Botox in place of the brow lift or vice versa. For more information on either procedure be sure to contact Dr. Swift today.