Chin Lipo Brooklyn

Get Rid of that Double Chin with Chin Augmentation

A double chin is one of the most common cosmetic issues amongst men and women these days. Also known as submental fat, a double chin is unlike other types of body fat, and notoriously resistant to diet and exercise. Plus, most body fat can often be hidden under clothing, but your double chin is on your face, and therefore, right there in plain view for the world to see. According to Dr. Richard Swift, the top surgeon for chin liposuction Midtown NYC has to offer, this is why many patients are looking into the procedure and seeking out methods for chin augmentation recently. The fact is that according to research, the chin and jawline area are two of the most important areas when it comes to physical attraction amongst humans. The chin and jawline actually give individuals biological signals that are meant to attract the opposite sex, and therefore, having a double chin is often one of the worst issues to have aesthetically. While it might be difficult to solve with a regular diet and exercise, there are options out there for you. While some might opt for having chin augmentation done with a full chin implant Brooklyn experts like Dr. Swift may recommend that patients have this done in conjunction with liposuction as well – either or both. In this article, we will be going over these two methods and how they can work to streamline your facial profile and give you the attractive look you want.

Chin Liposuction
When it comes to facial liposuction, and chin lipo Brooklyn patients are having these methods done a lot more often these days. According to Dr. Swift, the best surgeon for chin liposuction Brooklyn has to offer, it is one of the most efficient methods for improving the overall profile and silhouette of the face, and contouring the chin in an overall more aesthetically pleasing manner. One of the best things about this method of chin augmentation Midtown NYC patients need to understand is that while it is an invasive surgical procedure, it is relatively quick and the results are very prominent. The main thing patients following this method of chin liposuction is that they have an overall slimmer and more youthful appearance and face. In many cases it is as if they had gone through a drastic weight loss transformation as facial fat is often the most difficult and last place to go. It is a fairly minimally invasive procedure that guarantees amazing results for patients in need.

Chin Implant Surgery
Now the other option that patients have when it comes to chin augmentation is the use of a chin implant. According to Dr. Swift, the best surgeon for chin augmentation Brooklyn has to offer, some patients may be better suited to an implant procedure rather than liposuction, as they may not have a prominent chin area in the first place. Oftentimes, by adding size and improving the firmness and shape of the chin area, patients will appear to have an overall improved facial profile and silhouette, without needing to shed much fat in the chin area. Most patients who wish to undergo chin augmentation have a smaller lower face than they desire and there is an imbalance between the upper, middle and lower thirds of the face. For men specifically, the chin implant will give a stronger, more attractive, masculine appearance. Some patients might be better suited to doing both of these options in conjunction as they not only have fat in the chin, but also do not have a prominent chin area. For more information on these procedures be sure to contact Dr. Swift today.

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