After finishing up general surgery at Saint Barnabas Hospital in New Jersey, Richard Swift did his plastic-surgery residency at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, and then returned to New York for a plastic-surgery fellowship at Manhattan Eye and Ear under Sherrell Aston and Dan Baker. Today, a good portion of Swift’s practice is made up of face-lifts and rhinoplasties, as well as body contouring and power-assisted liposuction. Instead of using the traditional technique for abdominoplasty, which involves pulling the middle stomach tighter than the sides for a flat-as-a-board effect, Swift practices a Brazilian technique. “The sides are pulled tight, leaving some fullness in the middle so the stomach has slight curves,” he says. “Like Victoria’s Secret models.”
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When patients land in a dermatologist’s office, frustrated with a line or fold, they often want to plump the offending crease with filler. See a wrinkle, fill a wrinkle.
In his Upper East Side practice, Dr. Richard Swift, a plastic surgeon, sees more than 100 people for fillers every month. For many of those patients, his filler technique is surprising.
“One woman came to me with jowls,” Dr. Swift said. “I explained I’d start injecting the cheek area to correct the sagging in the lower face. She stopped me: ‘Whoa, why are you injecting up there when the problem’s down at my jawline?’ I asked, ‘How did you look when the last surgeon injected you with five syringes of product in your lower face?’ She answered, ‘Like a bulldog.’”
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One (bigger) treatment will truly erase stretch marks.
Laser treatment does not always meet the expectations of patients, “because you need multiple treatments and the results are not that effective,” says NYC board-certified plastic surgeon Richard Swift, MD. For slam-dunk success with stretch marks appearing below the belly button, he offers a mini tummy tuck, which removes the stretch marks completely and tightens the skin. (A full tummy tuck would also tighten the ab muscles underneath.) “Although a mini tummy tuck is a surgical procedure, the downtime is minimal and the results are permanent,” Swift says.
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Four ways to fight stubborn fat before summer rolls around
By Bryce GruberMar 29, 2016 Read more from Bryce HERE!!
The fatty deposits that bulge out around your bra straps and make strapless dresses a hard sell aren’t in your imagination—for most of us, they’re a very real part of being a woman, and they’re inspiring a variety of new treatment options for those looking to enjoy a smooth silhouette without wearing full body Spanx. We caught up with the bra fat experts to learn what can be done to tone up this tricky area.1) Liposuction may still be the only real guarantee. “It’s often a hereditary distribution of fat, and it doesn’t matter how skinny someone is— anyone can have it,” explains Dr. Richard Swift, a board certified plastic surgeon in New York City. “Liposuction has been the gold standard of treatment for this area, with the tumescent variety being the best option since the area really requires a lot of finesse.” Tumescent liposuction is when a doctor adds fluid to a patient’s fatty areas first to sort of ‘puff up’ the trouble spots, and then uses the most precise technique possible to suction out the fat. The fat cells are then disposed and can never return to the area they were suctioned from. According to, about 400,000 liposuction procedures were performed in the U.S. last year alone, and several thousand of those were to eliminate dreaded bra fat bulges.
2) But there are injectable options, too. For the anti-surgery types out there, Dr. Swift says he’s had success with Kybella, a relatively new injectable designed to break up and destroy fat cells. “Kybella is deoxycollic acid and when it’s injected into fatty tissue, a chemical reaction occurs and it dissolves the fat. The ideal candidates for this procedure are those who can pinch and feel some fat in the area to be treated. Patients with excessive skin laxity are not ideal candidates for Kybella because the skin will not contract, but the main advantage of Kybella is that it is minimally-invasive and consists of a series of injections.” While it’s not quite as precise or thorough as tumescent liposuction, Dr. Swift says he’s seen success with breaking up fatty deposits. It’s currently only FDA-approved for the chin area, but that will likely change as demand increases. Each treatment costs $1,200 to $1,500, and patients should expect treat an area up to 6 times for full results.
3) Change your focus at the gym. “In order to avoid unsightly bra fat spillage, you will want to concentrate on toning the largest muscle of the back—the Latissiumus Dorsi, also known as your ‘lats,’” shares fitness expert and trainer Nadia Murdock. “Other muscle groups that you should work are the Serratus Anterior (wings) found on the side of the body. It is important to remember that there is no miracle move to banish back fat overnight. However, with consistent toning exercises coupled with a proper diet and cardio, you will definitely see a change.” Murdock suggests pull-downs on the cable machine, cable rows and bent-over rows. Basically, if you hate your bra fat, you should be rowing yourself to freedom.
4) A new non-invasive treatment called SculpSure may be able to kill those fat cells. While SculpSure is non-surgical and boasts no downtime, it still is only available in dermatology and plastic surgery offices right now and may take up to 12 weeks to show visible results. According to Dr. Arash Akhavan, a cosmetic dermatologist at The Dermatology & Laser Group in New York, “the fat cells are destroyed by the laser and the fat leaks out of the cells and goes into our lymphatics. The fat particles are then processed in our liver and excreted from our bodies as waste.” Small, heated pads are placed on fatty deposits and go to work heating fat cells beyond the point of repair for 25 minutes per treatment. “One of the reasons SculpSure is such a huge hit with our patients is that there is truly no downtime following a procedure. After a treatment, most patients don’t experience any after effects, and a minority have at most minor soreness for a day or two. We don’t restrict our patients’ activities in any way. Patients can start to see a loss of fat and positive body contouring effects starting six weeks after treatment, with a completion of the process by 12 weeks post-therapy.” SculpSure is said to destroy about 24% of the fat cells it treats, giving patients a somewhat noticeably smoother silhouette after just one or two treatments.
5) A lifestyle change is key. There are a variety of massage techniques and other lasers widely marketed at spas, weight loss centers and even some doctors’ offices that promise to shrink fat cells versus destroying them, but by and large, you’re being sold snake oil with these ‘wonder machines.’ Since we all have a set number of fat cells in our body, permanent and long-term bulge fighting depends on either completely changing our lifestyles (you guessed it— clean eating and exercise!), or eliminating the fat cells altogether. While fat cells can drain to some degree, they can and will fill right back up the next time you decide to slack on your healthy diet. Cheeseburgers, as it seems, will forever be the enemy.
See Dr. Swift in the media! Dr. Swift, a board certified plastic and general surgeon, is frequently asked to discuss his plastic surgery, plastic surgery for men, and skin rejuvenation procedures – including breast augmentation, tummy tuck, and liposuction in New York City and other procedures for the face, breasts, and body – with reporters or media professionals. Below are video clips and articles regarding Dr. Swift and his body of work.
“I Got Injectable Filler Under My Eyes to Combat the ‘Tired Mommy’ Look!”
Bryce Gruber came to see Dr. Richard Swift regarding how to make the dark circles under her eyes diminished!
Read more from Bryce HERE!!

Dr. Richard Swift discusses the newest trends in Cosmetic Surgery and gives his input regarding.
By: Jane Ridley
Article regarding Labiaplasty from the New York Post.
Plastic Surgery – – – Down There? Dr. Swift quoted regarding women getting Labiaplasty to look better in Yoga Pants.
Dr. Swift weighs in on using fillers for Lip Augmentation and getting that perfect pout a safe way.Click here to learn more!